Perfetti Van Melle streamlines processes with SAP Workflow and Fiori

Perfetti Van Melle is one of the largest manufacturers and distributors of confectionery and chewing gum in the world. Perfetti Van Melle, manufacturer of a.o. Mentos and Chupa Chups, works together with Avelon to make SAP workflow tasks and data from SAP software accessible using Fiori apps.

In this SAP customer case Massimo Terrevazzi (Group CFO) and Myra Meijer (SAP Consultant HR) share their experiences with the use and implementation of various SAP Fiori apps.

"The SAP Fiori apps that Avelon have implemented significantly simplify and accelerate our approval processes. They provide a user-friendly way to process SAP system tasks via mobile devices."
- Massimo Terrevazzi, Group CFO, Perfetti Van Melle
"We concluded that any paper-based process could be handled more efficiently via an app. The response from our colleagues was just as enthusiastic as the CFOs."
- Myra Meijer, SAP Consultant for HR, Perfetti Van Melle

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For questions or additional information on this subject, please contact Sander van der Wijngaart.